Optional Track III: Integration of Faith and Philosophy to Psychiatric Treatment:
Although the study of philosophy and the study of religious faith have been kept distinct in modern times, this was not so in the classical era, in which the two domains intertwined to an astonishing degree. Optional Track III: Integrating Faith and Philosophy with Psychiatric Treatment, is designed for those who would like to return this classical emphasis to their own psychiatric recovery program.
Such a creative integration can bring rich rewards to those who choose this option. An emphasis is made upon the classical distinction between knowledge (‘episteme‘) and opinion (‘doxa‘), whether as humans we can apprehend transcendent truth, and what are the extent and limitations of such truth.
For more information, please check back frequently for upcoming video-seminars to be found under the tab above, Educational Seminars, or go to the tab above, CONTACT, to schedule an appointment with Dr. Firnberg.